Birthwork and Yoga

Learn more about me

Hello and welcome to my site.  I'm a birth and postpartum doula, certified lactation education specialist and perinatal Yoga teacher, at least, professionally and fulfilling a calling to do this work.  I have nearly 15 years of  Yoga teaching experience and training. I am also a practitioner whose practice has evolved and deepened in untold ways and it is with this that I offer this practice to my students. You can see my Yoga page to sign up for  perinatal yoga classes with me, experience within a workshop, or in taking classes with me in prerecorded livestream format. As for my work as a doula, I've helped families bring into the world over 100 babies and am deeply humbled by each and every experience, interaction and confidence families have invited me into.

As a birth and postpartum doula, I work to help each client envision and experience the kind of birth they deserve, helping to educate and inform, prepare and support them throughout their pregnancy journey into that unparalleled and incomparable life as a parent. It is with great humility and passion that I approach both, teaching Yoga and being a doula as a calling in my life. My life as a mother to my daughter and as an English teacher prior to this profession has also created the person I am today. 

My business name, Daughter of Samoa, comes from the title of a book published in San Francisco in 1889, written by my great, great, great, great grandmother, Lauli'i Willis titled The Story of Lauli'i a Daughter of Samoa. Other than sharing a last name and a lineage, we two are both native to Samoa and I feel a great affinity to her, as an writer and author and in what I know about her thoughts and actions as conveyed in the book. In it she writes "I have been requested to give to the world a sketch of my life, including a description of my tropical native land, together with the domestic customs, habits, amusements and legends of the far-away country of Samoa. In doing so I have a two-fold object: One is to make other lands better acquainted with my people, and the other is, by means of the sale of this book (the profits of which are to be religiously devoted to said purpose), to practically aid in redeeming, as far as possible, the lands of which my people have been deprived, and, if possible, to restore to them the soil upon which they were born, and which, by hereditary descent and long occupancy, is theirs by right." I'm blessed to be in the lineage of this woman, this ancestor who shared who she was and what she did in life with others for the righteousness of a worthy mission. She's also witty, charming and a force to be reckoned with -- all traits I aspire to. I give homage to an ancestor with whom I identify and to whom I dedicate my labors. May it be in alignment with the highest good of all people and their evolution so that humanity can be more of what we're meant to be.
#landback #indigenouspeopleonindigenousland #wearesamoa #daughterofsamoa